, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Appam/palappam is one of the most sort after dish in Kerala. I have made this recipe to a very simple one that any one can try the same. I have combined the tips & tricks of my mother in law and my sis mother in laws. Thanks to both mammas for their tips!!!!!
Appam/ Palappam Recipe
- Raw rice – 2 cup
- Water – 3 cup
- Cooked rice – ¼ cup
- Grated coconut – ½ cup
- Yeast – ½ tsp
- Sugar – 3 tsp
- Salt – ½ tsp
(Note: 1 Cup = 250 ml)
- Soak the raw rice in water for 6-8 hrs.
- Wash the soaked rice, add water , cooked rice, grated coconut, yeast , 2 tsp of sugar and grind it well. Make sure that it is grinded well as the success of the appam full depends on this.
- Keep the batter overnight at room temperature for fermenting in a deep bowl.
- Next day morning add 1 tsp of sugar and ½ tsp of salt in to it and mix well.
- Heat Appachatti ( Appam Kadai) to a medium heat & pour 5 tablespoon of batter into it.
- Rotate the appachatti so that the batter is spread in a circular form.
- Cover & cook till the edges have become crisp and the centre is soft and spongy.
- Serve hot with Chicken stew or Fish molly.
Tips :, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- If you are grinding appam in mixie make sure that the mixie bowl is not getting heated. Put your palm in between on the bowl to check the same. If it’s getting heated stop mixie for 5-10 min and then start grinding it again.
- To check whether grinding is proper, put your thump finger and index finger together into the batter and if you are getting any lumps in between the fingers then grinding is not proper, please grind again.
- Always use the best quality yeast you can get preferably imported one.
- How to know your pan is hot enough to pour the batter???? Sprinkle few drops of water on the pan .The water should sizzle and evaporate in 3-4 seconds. Then your pan is ready., pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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