, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Choco Custard Pudding
This dessert reminds me of my Engg college days. In the hostel we used to have birthday parties for which we used to cook. There was one electric heater and few vessels with which we used make delicious snacks and sweets. Dessert used to be my item always. This recipe is of similar type, very simple, no baking, less cooking, yet in the end you will get a good dessert.
Choco Custard Pudding Recipe
First Layer ( Biscuit Layer)
- Marie Biscuit – 15 nos (any biscuit will do)
- Milk – ¾ cup
- Powdered Sugar – 3 tbsp
- Butter – 1 tbsp
Second Layer ( Custard Layer)
- Custard powder – 2 ½ tbsp
- Milk – 1 ½ cup
- Sugar – 3 tbsp
Third Layer ( Cocoa Layer)
- Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp
- Milk – ½ cup
- Sugar – ½ cup
- Butter – 2 tbsp
(Note: 1 Cup = 250 ml)
Method:, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- Break biscuit into small pieces
- Melt butter and pour it over the biscuit and mix well
- Bring milk to boil and pur it over the biscuit mix
- Add sugar and mix well
- Spread this biscuit layer evenly in a bowl ( take one with medium diameter)
- For the second layer, take half cup of milk and mix custard powder in it.
- Take the remaining milk in a pan and allow it to boil
- Pour the custard mix into the milk, stirring continuously
- Add sugar and mix well
- Stir continuously in medium flame till the mix is thick and starts to boil.
- Pour it over the biscuit layer and spread it evenly
- For the third layer melt butter in a pan
- Add cocoa powder and mix well
- Add sugar and keep stirring so that sugar begins to melt
- Pour milk and stir continuously and just bring it to boil
- Pour it over the custard layer and spread it evenly
- Decorate it with cashew nuts
- Keep it in the fridge to set and serve cold.
- If you are using a different biscuit vary the quantity of milk so that all the pieces are soaked.
- Vary the amount of sugar to adjust the sweetness as per your taste., pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Tried and came out well 🙂 Thanks Vimmy
Dear Blessy,
Happy to know that you liked it and nice to know you are finding this space useful.
Vimmy 🙂
Vimmy chechi…..
I have one doubt…..How much is one cup approximately? Can u suggest some familiar measuring cup which we see commonly in kitchen…..?? I have read somewhere one cup is approx 150 ml ,is it??
And about ur website….I have been browsing internet to make dishes….I must say among a no:of websites visited , this is where I found solace….Thanks a lot vimmy chech……
Dear Steffi,
Thanks for your encouraging words 🙂
As per cooking standards i cup is 240 ml (exact it is 236.58 ml). We actually get small plastic measuring jar from jars. I just used it once and measured and compared it with a cup which i always use in the kitchen. You can also try the same method.