, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Vazakka Olathiyathu (Raw Banana with coconut pieces)
This is again my mother in laws recipe. Its one of the best vazakka (raw banana) dish I have tasted. Its simple to prepare and tastes good.
Vazakka Olathiyathu Recipe
- Raw banana – 4 small (250g)
- Small onion – 4
- Red Chilli powder – ¾ – 1 tsp
- Ginger garlic paste – 1 tsp
- Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
- Sliced coconut pieces (thengakothu) – ¼ cup
- Oil
- Curry leaves
- Salt
(Note: 1 cup = 250 ml, Vary the amount of chilli as per your spice level)
- Cut banana into 1 inch long thin pieces.
- Add cut banana and sliced coconut pieces, salt and ¼ cup of water in a cooker and mix well.
- Cover cooker with lid, without putting the cooker whistle.
- Steam the same for 3-4 minutes or until banana is cooked.
- Heat oil in a nonstick pan and add sliced small onions and curry leaves.
- Once onion becomes soft add ginger garlic paste cook for 2-3 min.
- Add red chilli and turmeric powder and cook for 2-3 min.
- Add cooked banana, salt if required and cook for another 2-3 mins. Serve hot.
Tips:, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- Add 1 tsp of turmeric into a bowl of water. Put cut banana in to the same so that the colour doesn’t change., pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0