, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Coconut Burfi
This is one of the easiest sweet recipe. Ingredients are simple, steps are simple and the best part it can be made very fast and its delicious.
Coconut Burfi Recipe
- Desiccated coconut powder – 2 ½ cup
- Sugar – 1 ½ cup
- Cardamom – 2
- Water – ½ cup
- Milk powder – ½ cup
- Ghee – 2 tbsp
(Note: 1 Cup = 250 ml)
- Grease a tray and keep it ready
- Heat a nonstick pan and add grated coconut and sugar
- Peel the cardamoms and crush the seeds.
- Add crushed seeds to the pan. Add water and mix well
- Keep stirring in medium flame till sugar melts and forms a thick liquid
- Add ghee and milk powder and mix well
- Continue stirring until mixture becomes dry and starts to leave the sides of the pan.
- Pour it immediately to the greased tray and level it to get a smooth finish.
- Cut it while it is still warm
- Break it to pieces when it’s cooled completely., pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- Its easier to cut with a pizza cutter.
- You may have to do little shaping with your fingertip to get the perfect shape for the burfi, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
ithu kollam!
Thanks Joshin 🙂