, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Chocolate Sauce
Do you like chocolate? If yes then undoubtedly you will like chocolate sauce. I just love it bcos it’s so easy to make and we have so many use for the same. We can use it cake decoration, use it as a topping for ice-cream, dessert……the list goes on and on. When my little one troubles me, I give it in a bowl and then he will be busy licking it for some time 🙂 .Give it a try, I am sure your little one will just love it.
Chocolate Sauce Recipe
Cocoa powder – 2 Tbsp
Unsalted Butter – 2 Tbsp
Water – 2 Tbsp
Sugar – 1/2 cup
Vanilla – 1 tsp
Milk – 1/3 cup
(Note: 1 Cup = 250ml)
Method:, pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- In a bowl mix together sugar, cocoa powder and butter
- Sprinkle water and bring the mixture to boil in medium heat by stirring continuously
- Reduce the flame and add milk (You will notice the caramelized sugar solidifies)
- Now increase to medium flame and stir well so that the sugar melts and no lumps are there and the mixture boils for a while. Remove from fire and allow it cool. (Once it cools the sauce thickens again and you can store the same in fridge), pub-8807793439541123, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Hello Vimmy…I tried it, came out perfect…Thanks for the recipe!!!
Dear Riya,
Happy to know that the recipe worked out for you.
Vimmy 🙂